Welcome to the Regional CARIBBEAN PRAYER SUMMIT 2020 official website.
Watch the Caribbean Prayer Summit using these links below:
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The theme of this Summit: “A United Caribbean Church… a Regional Revival”.
So often, we become overly focused, even distracted by the ills of our own nations that we forget that we are a part of a region. Many of our neighboring nations are facing really challenging times.
Our vision is not just for individual nations to experience revival but for the whole region to become “on fire” for God and mission fields saturating the world with that fire for the advancement of the Kingdom of God!
The Churches all across the Caribbean region have to unite. We long to see each nation supporting the fellowships within that nation then praying and pooling our spiritual and other resources to ensure that other nations can arise too.
As a region, though small, we can be used by God to be serious world-changers and transformers for righteousness.
Together we can!

Who is it for?
An open invitation is being extended to join us online if you love the Lord and want to join us in Prayer, Praise and Worship as we uphold the nations of the Caribbean region.
You are a young person or a child with a heart for prayer – wanting to learn more about praying for your nation.
Many of the summit sessions will be particularly helpful to you…
- If you are a Christian leader/serious intercessor who could ably represent your nation.
- You will be willing not only to share about your nation’s prayer needs but to lead delegates into praying for your nation.
- You will be willing after the summit, to help in facilitating united corporate prayer for your country.
This year’s summit takes place online between 22nd and 23rd May 2020.
We look forward to welcoming delegates from the island nations of the Caribbean as well as international visitors from around the world.
If you cannot find the answers to your questions on this site, please call us or use the contact form and we will get back to you.
In His service
Maria Harbajan – Convener / Regional Co-ordinator
Thessa Smith – Assistan Co-ordinator
Sow in to Prayer & Mission in the Caribbean
2020CPS Programme
(All times are Jamaican Time)
Friday 22 May 2020
9am – 11am Opening Session
11am – 12 Noon Break
12 Noon – 2pm Session 2
2pm – 4pm Break
4pm – 6pm Youth Session 3
Saturday 23 May 2020
9am – 11.30am Session 4
11.30 – 12 Noon Break
12 Noon – 1.30pm Children’s Session 5
1.30pm – 2.30pm Break
2.30pm – 4.30pm Session 6
More Programme Info | #2020CPS Info Page | Give

‘I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one — I in them and you in me — so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. John 17: 22-23