We invite you to join with the Caribbean Prayer Summit and NIPNOJ prayer teams in praying for the needs of the family of Caribbean nations!
These prayer requests are being updated regularly.
We are thankful as we celebrate the great things He has done and pray earnestly for ‘A united Caribbean Church… a Regional Revival!’
Dr Maria Harbajan
Caribbean Prayer Summit Co-ordinator

- The Church
- Reset – God’s Kingdom focus
- Revival
- Greater Unity
- Effectiveness
- Salvation of many souls
- The Economy
- Stabilization against fallout from COVID 19 – high unemployment, especially in the tourism and related industries
- Greater focus on agriculture, entrepreneurship and innovation needed
- New sectors to arise
- Government
- Salvation
- Wisdom in decision making
- Integrity
- Compassion for the needy
- Children & Youth
- That the Jesus generation would come forth in obedience and power – Word and Spirit filled and led. Signs and wonders.
- Value for human life
- Against crime, violence and drugs
- Educational institutions would be relevant to the times.

- Wisdom and creativity and compassion for leaders of government as they work through the phases of the country’s reopening and functioning. Pray as well for a working relationship with the new opposition particularly in light of the economic and social effects of COVID19.
- Pray for the Spiritual Leaders as they too recover and lead God’s people into a new place and functioning in God. Pray a greater emphasis on equipping the saints for ministry. Pray also for their unity across denominations to work together in bringing the Gospel to all Grenada and beyond.
- Pray that God rekindles the resilient spirit Grenadians possess to create new means of income.
- Pray that Grenada attracts investors for development so as to provide employment for our people.
- Pray for National REVIVAL across the land and in every institution.
- “Pray without ceasing!”

- The government of Jamaica will make a public declaration that Jehovah is the true God of Jamaica (Daniel 3:29 & Daniel 6:26). All idols will be renounced and the country dedicated to God.
- God’s people in Jamaica will not betray Him. His presence will always be welcomed in His sanctuary (Ezekiel 8:12).
- Jamaica will repent for abusing children in all forms (including abortion) and that God will raise up advocates for children in Jamaica.
- The government will seek wisdom from God re lifting the work from home order, the reopening of the economy and our borders.
- Grace for children negatively impacted in their studies and preparation for external exams as a result of not being able to access the internet from home.

- Holy Ghost revival in the land
- We need rain, we are experiencing a drought
- Breakthrough in our economy
- Jobs for our people
- Prayer against the stronghold of witchcraft that it be destroyed
- Greater anointing upon God’s servant
- Our government would lead, in the fear and wisdom of God
- Destruction to the gay and lesbian agenda

- Revival among the church body.
- Restoration of our economy (creation of jobs & diversity in the economy)
- Godly wisdom for directions for the government and opposition leader (unity to work together towards the advancement of our nation)
- Exposing all the negative plans against our nation (LGBTQ agenda, racism, crime, corruption, etc.)
- For strong/healthy families